Issue accurate parking violations in record time
Go mobile and skip the paperwork
- An intuitive app interface helps officers issue thorough violations quickly and easily, complete with up to four photos of the vehicle and surrounding signage
- A lightweight Bluetooth printer produces a customizable violation which directs violators to an online payment and disputes portal
- Automatic data sync makes violations instantly viewable to managers and instantly payable for violators

Identify and track repeat offenders
- Officers are automatically notified when ticketing a plate with outstanding violations
- Access full vehicle history and past violation details from the app and the management portal
- Print violation history, add towing or booting fees, and reprint past violations on the spot
See how quickly your team can issue accurate violations.
Validate pay station purchases, mobile app payments, and monthly permits
- Compile paid vehicles from pay stations and mobile app partners into one list officers can easily verify
- Validate monthly parkers by scanning barcoded permits or searching plate numbers
- Real-time data sync prevents issuing violations to paid customers

Prevent improper ticketing
- CiteBlocks allow managers to notify officers or block violation issuance completely
- Plate CiteBlocks allow you to avoid ticketing lot owners and VIPs
- Location CiteBlocks allow you to avoid ticketing vehicles when renting lots for special events or valet services